Monday, October 5, 2009

The ABC's of Alphabet Nurseries

Photo courtesy of Project Nursery

With nursery trends leaning towards modern and contemporary, alphabet nurseries are becoming all the rage! Here at Bouncing Off The Walls we've had the pleasure of assisting a few crafty moms in their quest for an original alphabet nursery. With some thinking outside of the box you can create a nursery that is unique, educational, not too babyish and certainly eye-catching!
To recreate this look start by looking around you. You would be amazed at some of the objects around you that can represent letters! For different textures and letters made from different materials visit craft stores. Some sell metal, plastic, fabric and wood letters. Glue some into frames or onto some other shape.
Bouncing Off The Walls can help by cutting letters in various sizes and fonts and we can paint them for you or send them to you unfinished for you to paint or decoupage yourself!
The ideas are endless. This is one nursery design that is sure to be fun to put together!