
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Shaped Monograms Are Here!

I get SOOOOO many ideas in my head all the time! These wooden shaped monograms have  been up there in this  brain of mine for quite some time but idea to production is tough when you just need to get orders done! Fortunately I have a friend who was after some cool new decor for her kids rooms and I was able to use the sports and activities they are both into to start off the first of what is sure to be a new popular item!

Her son is a ski racer and spends his winters on the slopes so it was fun to create a vintage ski themed monogram for him.  The shaped monograms are sized the same as our Initial Name Letters so the shape is 24" in height with the name made in proportion to the shape. (Widths vary depending on the shape and name length) These are a nice, large centerpiece for any room. They would also be awesome with a family name as well!

Her daughter is a dancer! This one was fun as I added real ribbon for the entire thing to hang from and added some metallic paint for a satiny sheen.

I have some more in the works and always welcome new ideas so stay tuned!

Her daughter is a dancer! This one was fun as I added real ribbon for the entire thing to hang from and added some metallic paint for a satiny sheen.

I have some more in the works and always welcome new ideas so stay tuned!

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